Understand how your portfolio compares to the market and how it can be optimized.
Monitor the health of your book in real time by automating ongoing exposure analysis and identifying risk events and growth opportunities.
Identify potential segments and geographies to grow profitably by analyzing your portfolio versus the overall market.
Implement underwriting guidelines and eligibility criteria consistently, minimizing over/under exposure.
How it works
Planck’s Cognitive Business Analytic Platform provides automated monitoring for businesses that have already been submitted to the platform for any of its use cases, running for the entire book on a predefined schedule. Alternatively, the book can be sent as a single file (batch), which doesn’t require any integration, and insights will be returned to the carrier.
The evaluation process is initiated, and Planck’s Cognitive Business Analytics Platform creates up-to-date insights for all policies in the book.
Planck's Cognitive Business Platform analyse all policies in the book and highlightes the changes.
Planck's platform returns covered businesses’ eligibility and exposure changes.
How it works
Carriers can automatically monitor all existing customers and policies and react quickly to changes in exposure. Planck’s Cognitive Business Analytics Platform generates a high-level risk analysis as well as alerts that monitor changes in exposure.